Monday, January 18, 2010

Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3-3


  1. WODoers: Not enough weight to do as rx'd, so I did Westside speed day for shoulder press and deadlift.

    95#s for the shoulder press
    and 230 for deadlift

    Used 3 reps for shoulders and two for deads rested about 45 seconds to a minute and it fun to do the reps as fast as possible. I am going to incorporate this once a week and see what happens to my CFT

  2. Justin, you did 3 95 lb SPs and 2 230 lb deads how many rounds? Just curious... Here's a good coach Rip quote for you: "On not calling "The Press", "The Shoulder Press:" We just call it the press, because how could you press without the shoulders? You can leg press... but that's gay."

    WODoers, I leave for NY through Thursday night here in a bit, so this was the last day until Friday I get to use my CF gear.

    Warm-up: 50 double unders/50 single unders (didn't time it)

    Moderate exertion row 500M @ 1:40

    DL 205x10, then 3-3-3-3-3

    305-325-345-360(PR) - skipped last set. Plenty of yelling and grunting on that third rep @ 360. That 360 set hurt the lower back. Probably doing it wrong. Haven't done DL's in almost 3 months cos' my "lil buddy" issue. It felt good. I like my weightlifting shoes too, but at my non-elite level I doubt it makes as big of a difference as it would for truly strong men.

    Also did 10 GHD's before the "3's" and in between each set for 50 total (I find that it helps to keep the core lose during heavy DL's)

    Cool down: row 500M slow @ 1:54

    Ah what the hell, we need another Coach Rip quote: "Poor form in the gym is caused by insufficient yelling."

    Tomorrow I rest, Wed and Thurs it will be hotel room calisthenics. I'm sure there will be plenty of damn burpees in there.

  3. Did FGB this Am got 368new pr, old pr was 343. After that tried some turkish getups, after a few failed attempts stood up with 100lb barbell, didn't even try to get back down shit's intense, need more practice. I will be doing the 5 x 3 deadlifts later along with the football strength wod.

  4. What up fellas. No I am not dead I just figured out how to get back on the blog and decide to report my workouts.
    Today: 'Christine' 3 rounds of 500m row, 12 bodyweight deadlift (146lbs), 21 boxjumps. After the first row someone got on my rower so I had about a 60sec rest but still finished 11:18.

    Heaviest turkish getup yet is 75lbs (barbell).

    Fletcher love the rip quotes. He had so many from the cert that I can't produce one single one, but my favorite was when we were deadlifting and there was not a word being said for minutes between students and kept repeating in his TX accent 'If you'd all just shut the FUCK UP! We could get this done!'If you'd all just shut the FUCK UP! We could get this done!'

  5. Only have 300# in weights yada yada. Story of my life.

    Warmup 205x10, 255x5

    WOD: 300x3,300x3,300x3,300x3,300x3

    Did GHD situps in between rounds and shoulder press afterwards. I was pretty happy with my FGB score yesterday until you guys freaking knocked it out of the park. Now I feel like a red headed step child. I've got some work to do. Great work everyone.

    Enjoy rest day guys.

  6. Chas, loved the story of the FGB that actually bad. Tornado, good to see that you're still alive and kickin.

    Felt a bit better on my deads tonight, but still have trouble when I get to the higher weights.

    275, 315, 345, 375, 385x1f

    I also have been trying to work my way up to doing un-assisted pistols. Anybody have any advice or something that worked for them?

  7. my numbers were 315, 345, 355, 365, 385. I should have gone for 405 but felt like pussy at 6 am No fire. After it was over did 4 rounds of 5 Heavy ass tire flip jump throughs, 20 sit ups, 10 burpees. Have a nice rest day boys

  8. Keeping it short today until the end. I'm excited to see how these WOD's go. Poor Evan, just 2 reps shy of a PR of FGB, awesome job though.

    Warm Up:
    Shoulder Shrug 30-25-20-15-10 (100%!1RMPC-110%-120%-130%-140%)

    Jacob 235-255-275-295-305

    Power Clean 5-4-3-2-1


    WOD 1
    Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1

    Jacob 205-215(F)-205-205(F)-205-205

    WOD 2
    50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
    Double Under

    Jacob 5:01 (PR)

    WOD 3
    For time:
    30 Clean and Jerks, 135lbs

    2:15 (PR)

    WOD 4
    "Fight Gone Bad!"

    Three rounds of:(1 minute of rest after each complete round of 5 movements.)
    Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps in 1 minute)
    Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 75 pounds (Reps in 1 minute)
    Box Jump, 20" box (Reps in 1 minute)
    Push Press, 75 pounds (Reps in 1 minute)
    Row (Calories in 1 minute)

    Evan 370 (135, 125, 110)

    WB 25 25 25
    HP 25 25 22
    BJ 35 30 25
    PP 35 30 23
    RO 15 15 15

  9. I made this up yesterday (1/19), still running behind. My legs are still definitely feeling Squatfest but DLs felt OK after warming up.


    I couldn't find a 3RM since last winter, which doesn't really count, but I made 315x3 as a "fail" in a DL 5x5 WOD in the fall, so I guess 325 counts as a 3RM PR. Followed up with 205x15, 205x10.

    I also tried doing GHD sets in between, ala Fletcher's comments. I couldn't really tell if they were impacting my DLs but cut them out after first 2 heavy rounds.

  10. A day behind and a few more on posting here. Good to hear from you Weaver! No 5 miler as had a class had to attend. Did have a MLK Day 5k though => 23:18

    305-325-335-345-355 (tied PR)
    sure wanted more as my 1 rep PR is 405, just wasn't feeling it


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