Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ass Pad Review

The ass pad for the C2 rower is a confirmed success. I rowed a slow 2k this am to work out some issues with hamstrings after yesterday, and the pad made it so much more better. No pain and no feet falling asleep, which usually starts for me after the 1000m mark. It only cost $3.50 on the C2 website. The only silly thing is that it cost $8.00 to ship. Well worth $11.50.


  1. Todays WOD...

    For time:
    225 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
    50 Pull-ups
    225 pound Deadift, 12 reps
    40 Pull-ups
    225 pound Deadlift, 9 reps
    30 Pull-ups
    225 pound Deadlift, 6 reps
    20 Pull-ups
    225 pound Deadlift, 3 reps
    10 Pull-ups

    Jacob 8:26 Rx'd

    Was shooting for the 7's.

  2. Justin, cool. I think I'll get me one. I got the heart rate monitor plug-in and it is NOT a confirmed success. I am going to return it. The signal just doesn't pick up consistently at all.

    I have to take a second rest day today because my lower back is really hurting. I tweaked it during the DL 3's the other day, then it started to get better, now this AM it is hurtin' pretty good again, probably from that double WOD I did with the GHD's and BE's.

    Also, I've been listening to Robb Wolf's "The Paleolithic Solution" podcast. The most recent episode talks about how once in a while a CrossFitter SHOULD take 2-3 active rest days and even once every 2-3 months take a week or so off of main site WODs. He was also talking about intermittent fasting as being a huge success, but not fasting for more than 16 hours because then your muscle glycogen can start to get consumed. They actually talk about it often, even just calling it "IF".... Mark Sisson talks about this a lot too.

    For more on that:


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