Friday, January 29, 2010

HSPU, Squat, PU, PU

10 minutes HSPU
5 minutes squats
2 minutes pull-ups
1 minute push-ups


  1. Did this one with a continuously running clock after doing squats. I did this one in the "MMA" room and with rings on the pull-ups.

    HSPU - 31
    Squats - 170
    Pull-ups - 15
    Push-ups - 42

    Total = 258

    My HSPU's got progressively worse throughout the 10 minutes. I'm sure you guys will crush this one.

    I found out tonight that I'm going to be a god father to one of my cousin's boys. Pretty stoked about that.

    Later fellas.

  2. WODoers: Well below zero, so I subbed situps for pull ups and will use 4 to 1 ratio for my number. Also, did headstand to full lock out HSPs. Bad numbers but finally a true as rx'd.

    HSP- 15

    TT= 265

    Situps were so much easier than on Angie with out doing the 100 pullups first, but the 104 situps crushed my abs and made it so I could barely do a pushup. I think it would be a really interesting experiment to do Angie backwards. Eigna would be a bitch, I bet it would take at least 5 minutes longer than Angie.

  3. We are doing Nate today, can't decide to do Nate or .com. Both handstand pushups....decisions. Good job getting it done Mike and Justin.

  4. Do them both... more is better Tornado! Do 10 minutes of Nate to prime your pump and then go right into HQ's WOD but in a 5-3-2-1 minute sequence. 21 minutes of bada$$ WOD for you right there. Best of both worlds!

    I think I'm going to do that Isa-Grace WOD and the HQ WOD, but I think I'm going to do the HQ's WOD first.

  5. Mikey - Cool! Little kids rule. And not everyone is picked for Godfatherhood.

    Duders -

    You know how I say anything with lots of GHD's I won't be soo fast, well another goat for me is HSPU's mainly cos of my shoulder.

    HSPU's were to abmat, but made it "squish" down on each rep, so maybe 1 1/2" from the floor? If I go all of the way to the floor, that's when the shoulder burns (and I admit, that extra 1-2" inches increases workload significantly!). Full lockout up top though. Actually made myself redo a couple of them because I didn't get full lockout cos I lost my balance and came out of them early.

    On squats I thought of what the Tornado said, "don't compromise" so I took that to a bit of an extreme today experimentally... just for fun. I did all of my squats as far down as I could go physically, ass to ankles. Man they were quite a bit harder like that!

    HSPU's = 27 (last three were more work than first 15! I hear ya Mike!)
    Squats = 150
    Pullups = 33
    Pushups = 35
    Score = 245.

    I compromised a higher score for the super deep squats, but I'm good with that. I probably can't call it RX'd anyway cos I didn't do head to floor on the HSPUs.

    Cool WOD! Happy Friday dudes. Weaver, great to see you posting again. Where's Myles been?

  6. Man Everett killed that Isa-Grace WOD, and what a killer gym too! It's like an airplane hangar chock full of gear and rubber floor mats across the entire span. Wow. Is that the new HQ gym?

    I was reading comments from "bingo", who seems to be the appointed explanatory and standards expert. Here's what he wrote about air squat ROM:

    From standing position with legs straight go all the way down until your hamstrings touch your calves, AKA "ass-to-grass".

    This means to me get that Dynamax ball out of the way and go down as far as my body can. This puts a whole new paintjob on air squats. Do you guys do them like this? Before today, I always just went ass to med ball or slightly below parallel.

  7. I'm a hip crease below the knee kind of guy myself. I probably should squat like that more often, but I'm convinced that I'm going to need a knee scope before I get to be healthy enough to do that without pain in my knee cap. If I don't qualify in sectionals I'm going to schedule my MRI to figure out why the hell I'm having so much right knee and left hip pain lately. If I do qualify then I'll just push my knee as much as I can and hope I don't blow it out, then deal with it later.

  8. Jacob, I'd bet $10,000 that you'll be in the top 10, and I'd even bet $50 that you WIN your sectional. But it's good to be humble about yourself. That doesn't mean I have to be humble about YOU though! :-)

  9. I like bingo. When he posts his results on the mainsite, they're usually scaled but ok, but considering he's something like 49 years old they're fairly good. He also co-authored the CFSB program in the Journal.

    I don't know how I'll do on this WOD. HSPUs I'm still fairly weak at and usually do down to a 4" or 6" pad, but I might sacrifice #s and go for more ROM today. At least for the first minute...

  10. Fletcher, I appreciate the confidence, but that guy Tom who posted on the games site under my profile is right. The key to being an amazing crossfit athlete is not your exceptional strengths, but more so the absence of weaknesses. I have some exceptional strengths, but when you can't back squat 315lbs for a single, nor front squat 250lbs, you're kind of at the mercy of the WOD. If it's not one of my weaknesses, I'd love to light it up, but if it's heavy and fast, then let's just hope I can make up the points somewhere else.

    Like everyone else I'm trying to shore up my weaknesses and improve, but it's slow, and now coupled with a sore back and an tight groin, volume is something my body can handle more so then heavy lifting. So that's going to slow my progress down even more. I'm still excited though, I want nothing more then to grind it out side by side with everyone else at sectionals. Win or lose I want to stand there after it's over feeling like I gave it my all while still on my feet. Letting everyone know I still have a little more left for the next WOD... even if there isn't one.

    Todays abuse...

    WOD #1 (11:30AM)
    Max reps for time of:
    10 minutes Handstand push-ups (2" Parallettes, top of head to floor)
    5 minutes Squats (A$$ to ankles)
    2 minutes Pull-ups
    1 minute Push-ups (Nose to floor)

    Jacob 349 [HSPU:74, S:160, PUL:70, PUS:45)

    WOD #2 (12:00PM)


    For time:
    30 Snatch, 135lbs (Squat or muscle)
    30 Clean and Jerk, 135lbs (Squat or power)

    Jacob 10:38 Rx'd [Isa 6:45, Grance 3:53]

    WOD #3 (12:30PM)

    5 Rounds for time of:
    20 Calories Rowed
    20 GHSU
    20 GH Back Ext.

    Jacob 12:30 (Time on rower 4:33, 100 calories)

  11. WODudes,

    Did Josh Everett do it with a vest? The Tornado did not wear a vest!
    This was right up my alley. I attempted to do this tabata style but didn't follow that schedule. Plan was for 100 hspu, 200 squats, 50 pullups, 30 pushups. Got everything but the pullups.

    HSPU 110
    Squats 203
    Pullups 40
    Pushups 30

    I got it on video if you guys are interested you will want to ffwd a lot. If not interested don't even think about clicking on the video post!

  12. Looks like The Tornado tore up the gym this am. I did a little catching up today.
    Yesterday did the 1 rep max clean, bench, oh squat.
    clean 245, (not stoked pr is 265)
    bench 285 (sort of stoked almost 300)
    oh squat 215 (almost stoked could have done more, too many people watching, throws me off)

    This morn. 3 rounds of 10 c&j 135 30 GHD situps
    tt 12:05
    2 days of rest and snowboarding on my menu this week.
    Jacob if you haven't already get a foam roller on your IT ban and quads. Also get the book "Pain Free" by Pete Egoscue. Right knee and left hip sounds like an alignment issue. And dont worry about all the comments on the mainsite right now it is all just a huge load of shit talk. Stay focused bro

  13. Nice work guys. I tried to get deeper on my HSPUs but my shoulders just aren't there - YET. Did them to a 4" pad, made sure I hit each time, and no assist. Rest was as rx'd. I don't know why I'm so slow on squats, I figured 150 would be easy (30+break each minute) but had to power the whole way through just to get what I got. Fucking legs are just too long I think.


    HSPU 57
    Squat 142
    PU 32
    PU 32

    Total 263

    Yesterday's heavy squats and today's airs are gonna feel GREAT skiing tomorrow...

  14. Chas - you think we have a legit gripe that taller guys have a harder time with air squats cos the ROM is longer? I hope so... I wonder about that. I mean Tornado is a Hobbit! It's cheating! The only advantage a long legged guy has that I have noticed is rowing maybe?

  15. Rowing for sure! I suck at rowing no matter how hard I work in comparison.

    CHAS, where do you ski? All you guys have open invite to come out to Tahoe.

    Justin was able to point out some good things on one of my videos...thanks Justin. If any of you would like any movement analysis or have the group give feedback that would be a good use of the technology. Myles and I have been to the Oly and barbell cert and we would be glad to take a look at stuff. One bad thing about being in the garage is not having another set of eyes on your giving feedback.

    You guys are animals. Jacob, you really crank out some volume daily. Justin, get some heat in you gym. If they ever have the games in Antarctica you will be prepared.

  16. Hey guys, playing catch up today. Just finished with this one. I eliminated the ABMat for the HSPU's and the Dynamax for the squats. It makes alot of difference doing full ROM. My shoulders are smoked.

    HSPU's = 37
    Squats = 150
    Pullups = 31
    Pushups = 46

    Total: 264

    I'm going to rest 15 minutes and give today's WOD a go. It looks and sounds brutal. I'll post in a little while.


  17. Forgot to mention we have a lurker amongst us. His name is Twon aka Anthony. He works with Craig and I. Anyway, he started CF a couple months ago, but is hesitant to post his results. He's not doing bad at all. With that said let's give Twon a warm welcome and tell him to start posting his shit.

    Thank you. : )


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