Wednesday, January 13, 2010



  1. Mikey: That is awesome news! I love post like that.

    WODoers: My football injury from October seems to have been a blessing in disguise. My shoulder impingement is now completely gone and I was able to bench press for the first time in like 9 months. Which is even more bizarre that I did the best I have ever done with body weight bench. Pull ups sucked cause I was at the gym and the tape I put on the bar for grip had been taken off, so they were slick as shit.

    25/7,17/5,20/4,17/3,18/3 120pr as rx'd


  2. Thanks Justin. I'm assuming that the first number is pull-ups, and second is bench. Is that correct, or the other way around?

  3. Good work Mike!

    And nice work on the shoulder, Kook!

    I did this at 195#, because that is where my weight started when I started CF. Now weight 215#, but continuing at 195# bench, just because that is what I have been doing and I don't think I could do 215# too many times.

    13/17, 8/13, 6/9, 6/8, 4/9

    Total reps: 93, PR by 5 reps

  4. Mike - That is great dude, and your post wasn't as long as most of mine right? I have found a change in diet to be paramount in changing body composition. Keep it up man. I don't measure, but I do try to eat as paleo as I can. I'm probably about 75% there. I'm not totally anal, but I do limit sugars, starches, and grains. I like beer though. I've been cutting back on drinking too lately. It's unnatural for me, my natural tendency is to get home from work and whack a beer or three, but I've been giving myself "rules" lately. Like this week it's no drink Tues-Thurs, and yes, for me, this is an achievement that requires strong will power.

    Justin, awesome that you got under the bench. I haven't done flat bench in literally 15 years, but today I said screw it, I'm going to try it out. In the past I have subbed ring dips for Lynne. When I was in college I messed up my shoulder twice doing bench, had the MRI, big ol cyst in there, yadda yadaa... doc said "no more bench"... but that was a long time ago so I figured I'd test it out.

    I weighed myself this morning - 217. I thought that was too much for me to bench with the shoulder and all and having not benched in forever so I scaled.

    Bench test/warm-up barx30, 135x20, 155x10. So I decided to use 155 for the first round.

    Round 1 @ 155
    26 pullups (PR!) - 20 bench

    Bench felt good, so I added 20 lbs for rounds 2-5 so 175 now.

    2: bench 9/ pullup 14
    3: 7/18
    4: 5/14
    5: 6/12

    Fun WOD and my chest experienced some "inflammation" after the WOD, the good kind of inflammation, it was a good feeling. I rested 2 minutes between sets on the advice of Jacob and Sean. I didn't read anything about "for time" so I made this more of a strength WOD. Was gonna do the broad jump WOD, but my driveway and street are like pure ice. I'd fall on my ass. Might do that in the basement tomorrow, we'll see what main site posts for the WOD.

  5. Here's a video link to the house explosion I was at last night... Pretty crazy stuff.

    WOD 1
    3 Rounds for time of:
    50m walking lunge
    100m standing broad jump
    200m run

    Jacob 12:53 (Done on the fire station apparatus floor, 10 meters long on the broad jumps.)

    WOD 2
    Five rounds for time, 50 total reps per round, of:
    Straight Barbell Curl, 95lbs/75lbs
    Ring Dips
    *5 Wall Ball, 20lbs each time you break a set.
    Post round times, and reps of each of the 3 movements.

    Jacob Rx'd
    1. SBC 30 RD 20 WB 5 Time 1:37
    1. SBC 30 RD 20 WB 5 Time 1:41
    1. SBC 30 RD 20 WB 5 Time 1:33
    1. SBC 30 RD 20 WB 5 Time 1:15
    1. SBC 22 RD 28 WB 5 Time 1:10

    Kenny Rx'd
    1. SBC 40 RD 10 WB 15 Time 2:29
    1. SBC 30 RD 20 WB 10 Time 2:40
    1. SBC 36 RD 14 WB 10 Time 3:01
    1. SBC 30 RD 20 WB 10 Time 2:21
    1. SBC 36 RD 14 WB 10 Time ****

    Nate (75lbs)
    1. SBC 27 RD 23 WB 15 Time 2:21
    1. SBC 30 RD 20 WB 10 Time 2:30
    1. SBC 30 RD 20 WB 10 Time 2:35
    1. SBC 27 RD 23 WB 10 Time 2:09
    1. SBC 26 RD 24 WB 10 Time ****

    WOD 3
    ***Group WOD***
    10 Rounds for time, when one person finishes a set the next person goes.
    10 Back Squat, Body Weight
    10 Walking Lunges, 50% Body Weight

    28:53 (Total Time)

    Nate 145lbs/70lbs (BW 140lbs)
    Jacob 165lbs/90lbs (BW 167lbs)
    Kenny 165lbs/90lbs (BW 185lbs)

  6. WODoers: The verdict is in, and the ass pad from C2 works good. Actually looking forward to the next 5k.

    Calf cramps? I think I was straining so hard doing the bench that it made my calves cramp up when I put my boots on to go to work. Anybody else experience that with Lynne?

  7. BW 187

    BP 185#/PU's


    Total Reps: 116 (PR)

    Peace out!

  8. Thanks to everybody for the encouragement. Weighed in tonight at 226. I think when I went to my doctor's appointment in December, I was at 234 or 232. And, that was after fasting throughout the night and following morning. So, improvements continue to roll in.

    Lynne as Rx'ed (bench @225 / PU)

    4, 15
    2, 15
    4, 16
    2, 12
    2, 12

    Total = 84 - probably a PR doing strictly as Rx'ed with BW on bench.

    Fletch, I thought I was approaching Fletch-length yesterday so I cut it off. Just messing with ya.

    Kook, I have had the same experience with bench before. Not specifically with Lynne, but with bench in general. My dad always told me to eat raisins to prevent cramps. And, it usually worked. I don't know how he knew, or why he knew, but whatever. Later fellas.

  9. So I've been on the road the whole week and only had the chance to do one WOD, and I picked Lynne b/c, well, you can see how a hotel gym might not be conducive to handstand walks (like I can do them anyway) or frog-jumping back and forth.

    This is one WOD that puts me solidly in place at the bottom of the pack. This body of mine was just not meant for it, which I guess is why I like it so much now.

    I'm about 210 but that's my 1RM max so used 185# instead. There was really only room for deadhang PUs so I did those too.

    BP 4-4-3-4-3=18
    PU 15-12-10-9-8=54

    Total 72 wahoo


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