Sunday, January 10, 2010

Push Jerk 1-1-1-1-1


  1. WODoers: Clean & Push jerk for me.

    175,185,200,210,225 clean and no jerk bad timing.

    Got under 240, but couldn't keep it on my chest. Then did some negative work and called it a day. Created some weird torque loading on my right arm when I lost the 240, but think I am fine.

  2. Did chest to bar Fran this am. Went about 80% finished 5:00 took a bunch of rest. Pulled a rack out and started in on the Push jerks.
    95,185,205,225,245,265f,265 got under it and stood up, but could not fuckin hold it. I try to workout when none of our members are around, they started to roll in and totally threw me off. I just don't like to let them see my crazy side. I didn't want them to start crying when I started to grunt and yell obsenities. One more wod later today, I will go after the 265 pj later. Peace out

  3. 135-145-155-165-175-180-185

    All cleaned from the floor. 185 is a 10# PR from the C&J WOD on 091112. Got a little scary - I hit the damn ceiling standing up w/ 185 and nearly lost it, not a fun thing w/o bumpers...

    I'll be on the road all this week; we'll see what kind of gym they've got at the Hilton San Francisco. Hopefully I won't have to do three cardios on the elliptical! But it'll be interesting: Since I started CF, I have yet to work out in an actual gym, believe it or not. Time to get some Globo stares...

    Cheers folks

  4. Myles that's insane in the membrain, 245lbs PJ and getting under 265lbs... Nuckin Futs? Killer job!

    Kenny and I hit a triple today.

    Warm Up:
    Parralette HSPU 5-5-5-5-5

    WOD 1
    Shoulder Press 5-5-5-5-5

    Jacob 115-135-145-155-160(PR) (BW: 166lbs)

    Kenny 95-115-135-135-135

    WOD 2
    5 rounds, 1 round every minute of:
    10 Knees to Elbows
    10 Kettlebell Swings, 1.5 Pood
    10 Deadlifts, 230lbs
    *Do 10 Ring Dips for each round not completed in 1 minute at the end of the WOD.

    Jacob 6:17/8:07 (Failed rounds 3,4 and 5. Did 30 Ring Dips)

    Kenny 8:35/9:38 90 second rounds (Failed round 5. Did 10 Ring Dips)

    WOD 3
    21-15-9 reps for time of:
    Push Jerk, 135lbs
    CTB Pull-ups
    Row, Calories

    Jacob 8:03 Rx'd (PR) Last time 11:04
    [3:04, 3:11 and 1:48]

    Kenny 13:14 95lbs
    [4:40, 5:13 and 3:21]

  5. Did this one right before Fran.

    185, 205, 215, 225f, 225PR, 235f

    Football games today were fun to watch. That GB/AZ game was awesome.

  6. Myles: that is funny about not wanting your clients to see your 'crazy side.'

    Mike: Can't wait to hear the follow up on the hot front desk girl!

    Have had a bit of a motivation problem recently, but am trying to get back at it. Sunday morning went for a nice run, ~5.75 km in 29:48. Then a little rest then to the gym for PJ. The rack was overly occupied so, had to get the bar off the floor doing HPC then onto Cleans for the last 2.


  7. This is the first time I've done heavy push jerks. I got up to 205 and then stopped. I can do more than that but it's always the damn shoulder.

    Then I did back squats 5-5-5-5-5 Previous PR 260


    I can get 275x5 with a spotter but without one it's too risky to do solo out in the ol garage.

    The lifting shoes DO help. They feel really solid under me.

    I am taking a rest day tomorrow. Going to the Nuggets game tonight in the second row! Never even come close to that before, should be cool. Then I have an appt @ 7AM tomorrow, so the late night/early morning combo = rest day.


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