Friday, January 22, 2010



  1. WODoers: Thanks for the props yesterday, but I am sure I would have been way slower with both full cleans and ghd situps.

    Today subbed goodmorning for back ex, slower sub for me. Also, I have noticed with the double unders now that I am in better shape, it is my arms that fatigue and not my legs.

    1:46/1:15/ 2:55/1:21 3:18/1:10 tt= 11:48

  2. We are getting dumped on. Powder riding non stop bro's. I was the first on the scene to Dig a guy out of an avalanche yesterday in bounds at squaw. Once I exposed his face found out it was my buddy. He was freakin out, It all turned out ok, kind scary. Did this workout at 6 am
    TT 9:36
    Will be catching up today on some more wods. Got to chase Justin's numbers

  3. To All,

    Check out the site you can see why I changed my site name. The guys from HQ were actually very supportive and pro, but felt since they were interested in posting my athlete profile on the games site and really wanted people to see my training blog I should distance myself from the possibility of being mistaken as an affiliate.

    Long story short I'm going to go to a level 1 cert as soon as possible and the HQ people said I would be able to run my site as a crossfit affilate/non for profit training blog once I complete a basic formal education to crossfit. I told them I can live with that and would be more then happy to oblidge.

    Check out the link to the 2007 games to see EVQ's monster times and stats.

    This is pretty cool.

    As for today...

    Warm up:
    Front squat 3-3-3-3-3

    WOD 1
    Front squat 3-3-3-1-1-1

    WOD 2
    3 Rounds for time of:
    10 Clean and Jerks, 135lbs
    30 GHSU

    Jacob 7:40 Rx'd [2:00, 2:35, 3:05]

    (Full squat clean and GHSU hand to floor followed by toe touch.)

    Last but not least...

    WOD 3
    Ring Dips

    Jacob 5:54 (PR)

    *I kipped on my last set of 9 HSPU, but that's the best I've ever done, so I don't know if you can count that as Rx'd. I was pleased though.

    Later everyone.

    New blog site is...

  4. Sorry my weights for my squats were...

    Warm up:

    WOD 1

  5. Dudes. Back home today. Did yesterday's WOD (12:39), rested 10 minutes, then did this one in 15:37. My GHD's and DU's sucked. I wrote more on yesterday's post. You know me, I have keyboard seizures.

    Meetings in NY were OK, but ten hours long of sitting in a room with 40 people. I have a seriously insane project to do this year. It's a 24 month project and we have 11 months to do it. What will we do.... ? We'll get that shit done, that's what we'll do.

  6. At least I am caught up too. You should watch this. 9 minutes or so, very cool.

  7. I think I'm going to sit this one out. I made up CJ/GHDs today, 17:25 with squat cleans/split jerks. Killer.

    Another ski day tomorrow. Myles, I envy you; here in CT it's all manmade, groomed corduroy for us. Oh well, as long as my kid Owen gets on the sticks we don't need anything huge.

    Then I'll be back on track for the mainsite sched on Sunday.

    Cheers folks

  8. Done after C&J / GHSU WOD. Momentarily thought about quitting a couple of times because my back was fucking tighter than shit in a muscle spasm!! But kept going, DUs sucked by the end.

    TT: 20:12

  9. Was trying to get a double in today between games. But, I think that I'm only going to be able to do this one for today. Subbed 45# db straight leg DL for the BE's.

    TT = 11:41

    Tried to switch to the single-double-single-double routine in the second round to be able to string more DU's together, but I ended up fucking up my own rhythm. Strung about 20 DU's together during each of the 3 rounds. The straight leg DL's killed me. Later fellas.


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