Monday, January 25, 2010

Row Heavy Thruster


  1. WODoers: This was tough. Had ong transition time between rower and bar. Thruster went 5 and 2, until the last round when I got all seven in a row. TT= 19:01

  2. I forgot something. Fletcher tell your wife nice work, she is looking good and kicking ass.

  3. Justin, I just told her that, she smiled and said "thanks!" She's had two babies in the past three years so I am really proud of her. She loves the CrossFit! She has a hard time with thrusters so she'll have to scale way back to 45-60ish lbs.

    WODoers, when I saw this WOD last night on my iPhone (while watching that kick ass game on DVR after kids went to bed!) I could swear it said the thrusters were 115 so I was like "Sweet! Sub 15!" Then I went out and racked up 115 this morning, but a little voice told me to verify, and when I did I was a little disheartened to see it was 135. Then another voice said "this is mental, go kick it's ass and stop being a pussy!"

    Justin, agreed... the transition was tough because both moves winded the crap outta me. I couldn't jump of the rower and run to the thrusters and just pound em out. I had to breath for a good 30 seconds first.

    TT = 16:29. All sets of thrusters unbroken with a * next to that... I did "rest" after 5 on three sets but I didn't put the weight down, I "racked" it in front squat position, just held it for a few seconds than slammed out the last two. After an educationally rough round one on the thrusters, I really tried to focus on weighting my heels and driving the weight up with a strong thrust of the hips. That's where it's at. Wore my lifting shoes too. I like em.

  4. I felt so bad today, think I'm getting sick. I spent the first 30 minutes watching Evan workout as I laid on the floor. He convinced me to WOD and WOD I did.

    Did the first 2 WOD's from the SoCal OC Throwdown Games. I thought it went well. Evan kept me legit on the movements and reps so I'm happy it's over.

    WOD #1 (10:50AM)


    7 rounds for time;
    5 squat clean thruster
    10 toes to bar

    *Each round the weight for the thruster increases by 10lbs, it is the athletes responsibility to change the weight per round.

    Jacob 9:00 Rx'd (SoCal's Top Time 9:14)

    I was pissed I dropped off the bar on the very last toes to bar, would have been sub 9:00.

    WOD # (11:30AM)

    For time:
    20 unbroken chin ups
    Row 500m
    20 unbroken chin ups
    Row 500m
    20 unbroken chin ups

    *If an athlete breaks the chin ups or fractions them by coming off the bar at any point in the 20 reps, they have to start at 0 again, rowers damper and foot setting is up to athlete. CHIN MUST PASS THE VERTICAL PLANE OF THE BAR TO COUNT.

    Jacob 5:35 Rx'd (SoCal's Top Time 5:12)

    Would have been 3rd place on this one, and tied for first after day 1.

    Going to do the next 2 WOD's tomorrow...hopefully if I feel up to it.

  5. Jacob, I didn't know what you were talking about, then I found it:

    Dude, FIRST PLACE after day one. KICK ASS!! YOU ARE A MACHINE!!! Don't overdo it if you are getting sick, even the machine needs some oil, gas, and downtime sometimes.

  6. Check out this chic:

    She can do Fran faster some of us can, do more pullups than most of us, 24 min filthy, 347 FGB, etc etc

    She can DL 300!!! OHS 135!!!


  7. This one winded the shit out of me. I'm not sure how close SDHP's are to rowing but 250 of them sucked.

    TT: 18:03

    I was dying at the end of this. Sweat was pouring out of me. I was so glad when it was over.


  8. Thanks Fletcher, but when's you wife going to go to the games... CrossFit Fletcher, Forging Badass Wives one WOD at a time.

    Tell your wife Craig to keep kicking butt at home... on all fronts.


  9. 17:05

    I liked this WOD, except that it seemed I was more winded two minutes after than when I finished. Thrusters will do that to you.

    I paced myself on the rows, maybe too much, but thrusters still slowed me down. I had to break them after the first round, and that's always a time killer.

  10. Did thie one after the Clean, Bench, OHS WOD. Subbed 500m runs per round for rows since rower hasn't been replaced. And subbed 12 45#db thrusters per round so I didn't have to walk across gym to get to squat rack.

    TT = 18:16

    Probably a little light on the db thrusters. Sweated my ass off. Later fellas.


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