Sunday, January 17, 2010



  1. WODoers: Not set up for FGB today, so 100 burpees for time 11:35 pr.

    If you like to eat fish, go to "The End of the Line" and watch the movie on the internet. We are actually pretty good as americans, but really reconsider eating any imported fish or sushi that is not "sustaianably caught". I had no idea how bad the problem is, and I can say that as a hunter and a fisherman, limits on taking animals are the only way to insure good hunting and fishing. We have tremendous powers as consumer, we need to put them to good use.

  2. This is what I call "Either Or". I told who ever works out today they had to pick the "either" or the "or" WOD. This is what I ended up doing. Felt sorry for myself doing these WOD's alone in the garage.

    Warm Up: [9:00AM]
    Overhead Squat 5-5-5-5-5

    Jacob 95-115-135-155-175x8(PR) (BW 169lbs)

    WOD 1: [9:45AM]
    Overhead Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

    Jacob 185x2-190x2-195x2-200-205(F)-205(F)-205(F)

    WOD 2
    For Time:
    30 Squat Clean and Jerks, 155lbs

    Jacob 6:07(PR) Prior 7:02?

    WOD 3 [10:45AM]
    "Task Priority Fight Gone Bad!"

    Three rounds of:(Followed by 1 minute of rest after completing 100 reps.)
    20 Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target
    20 Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 75 pounds
    20 Box Jump, 20" box
    20 Push Press, 75 pounds
    20 Row (Calories)

    Jacob 9:58(PR) Prior 10:18

    Rounds 2:47, 3:10, 4:01

  3. I had my wife and son counting and cheering me on. It really helps me to push harder with an audience watching. This is the best I've ever done with FGB and I was dying at the end of this.

    Wallballs 25/22/20
    SDHP 20/20/17
    Box Jumps 25/20/20
    Push Press 20/20/20
    KB swings 20/20/18 (my sub for rowing)

    Total: 307 (PMFR)

    My ears were ringing at the end. A sign that I left it all on the table. Or I was about to pass out.

    Enjoy the football games fella.

    Peace out!

  4. Good job men. I set a big PR today by 14 points. 319! I might have pushed too hard. I still feel messed up good.

    I map this WOD out on my whiteboard and try to hold a strategic number of moves per set. I was pretty on target, fell behind on a few in round 3 but got ahead a little on rounds 1 and 2. My target score was 317.

    A LOT more resting in round three than 1 and 2, I was dying.

    Went like this:

    Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
    Wall ball 29 28 27
    Sumos 26 23 21
    20" Box Jump 17 16 17
    Push Press 26 23 21
    Rowing 18 15 12
    Round Total 116 105 98

    Heart weirdness: I was having it again last night about 2 hours after I fell asleep. Because PVC's are caused by the sinus cells of your heart (the part that regulates rhythmic beating using electrical impulses) I took a VERY low dose of xanax (.125 mg, 1/2 of a .25, the smallest pill made) and it calmed down my nervous system enough for the PVC's to go away. Then I slept good. I tried this once before two years ago (the last time I used Xanax) and it worked. Cardiologist said low doses on occasion won't hurt anything and I was getting tired of not sleeping so screw it, I took a tranquilizer. We've all got our issues eh guys...

  5. Well congrats on the PR and glad to hear you're feeling better Craig.

  6. Good to see you're back at it Craig. Did this one tonight after the Chargers-Jets game (what a game!!).

    3 Rounds of:
    Wall Balls
    95# SDHP
    20" Box Jump
    95# Push Press
    Burpees (no rower)

    75, 79, 73, Total = 227 Reps

    I subbed 95#'s on the SDHP and Push Presses so that I could use the 25# bumpers. Reps were down some compared to March of '09, but SDHP and push presses were heavier and burpees are much harder (in my opinion) than rowing.

    Later fellas.

  7. I'm still running a day behind, sorry about that.

    I smashed my shin in the first round of SDHPs, and then bashed my head on my surfboard rack in round 2. Between the blood on my leg and on my head at the end, it looked like I really had been in a fight that had gone bad. It reminded me of one time I was working at a bar in college; I wound up on the ground, my head spinning, reminding myself never, ever again to make fun of a wrestler by saying he has to be "this tall" to get in. Especially because just like then, today I ended up flat on my back wondering what the hell just happened to me...

    Anyway, still put up good numbers for me:


    Total 340

    I haven't done FGB since March 09, when I was only a few months into CF, so I think this was a great measure of the trajectory this program puts you on. PR over back then by 39. Like then, my only sub was 1pd KB to 8' for WBs.

  8. Whoops, I meant PR by 59. 0309 score was 281.

  9. Mike - burpees are harder than rowing in anyone's opinion. We can call that a fact bro. You're better off just resting for two minutes than doing burpees, you'd probably get a better score!


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