Friday, January 15, 2010

Squats, Pullups, Pushups, and Mathematics

NOTE: The "12 minutes" comment is only for those who fail to do it RX'd for 12 minutes. We can do it for longer than 12 minutes, do it as long as you can hang. I hope to do this tomorrow. I am taking some magnesium stuff tonight that is supposed to help with the PVCs. I hope it does, I've also been short of breath all day.

With a continuously running clock, squat for 60 seconds. Subtract the number of squats completed from 60, and do that many pull-ups in minute two. In minute three, squat again, subtracting the number completed from 60. Do that number of push-ups in minute four. Minute five is squatting again, and minute six pull-ups.

The pattern is squats, pull-ups, squats, push-ups, squats, pull-ups, etc. The goal is to stay within the workout's formula for as long as possible.

Don't do more than 60 squats in any round.

In any case, stay moving for 12 minutes.


  1. 12 minutes was more than enough for me. Did this outside this morning in the humid Kuwaiti winter. Went like this:

    round one: 57 squats, felt like I was cheating w/ 3 pull ups but knew it would get tougher. Only if I knew how tought it was going to get, I would have tried for 59 squats.

    rnd 2 : 49 squats, 11 pullups, ok

    rnd 3 : 42 squats, 14 of the 18 required pull ups, shit

    rnd 4 : 30 squats, 7 of the 30, yeah right

    rnd 5 : 29 squats, 8 of the 31, is this shit over yet

    rnd 6 : 32 squats, 5 of the 28

    Stayed on the one minute time frame. Will make up all the missed pull ups today, as I finally got a nice pull-up / dip rack outside my clinic. Good luck, can't wait to see how you guys crush this thing!!

  2. WODoers: I kinda stopped in round 9, cause I knew I had to walk tomorrow. I was doing math in my head and I knew the last time I went over 400 squats I was fucked for two full cylces. No pullup bar for me today, so just did push ups.

    436 squats/98 pull ups

    Just did 2 more for an even 100.

    I am so not looking forward to the pain in my legs on Monday. Tomorrow will suck, but monday will be unbelievable.

    Have fun boys.

  3. finished out the other 73 pull ups for a total of 121 pull ups.

    Doing about a 5 mile run tomorrow.

  4. Sorry guys I have been all over the place with my wods these days. Did Lynne the other day with ring pullups. Next day did an amrap 20 minutes of 20 box jumps, 20 kettle bell swings, 20 situps. Got 10 rounds. After that did a finisher of 3 rounds 21 lft sledge hammer strikes then 21 rt side then 9 strict pull ups. And this morning did 5x5 shoulder press got 155lb. Then a finisher of 3 rounds of row 500 then 50 squats 25 situps. Tomorrow I will be resting. All the weather sites are saying we are in for a good storm 6-10 feet of snow expected, Hope so, we will see. Peace out, Myles

  5. Did 18 minutes worth or I see some of you are counting rounds, so 9 rounds.

    421 Squats
    54 Pullups
    45 Pushups

    My legs feel like jello, like Justin said, Monday will be awful. Craig I hope you are feeling better. That shit sounds kind of scary.


  6. Fletch, hope you are feeling better today. No matter if that shit is serious or not, things messin with your heart is kinda scary.

    Warm-up: Rounds of 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 of jump rope, 10 dry swings between rounds:
    skip through
    50 DU's (about 1 min) to complete 1,000 jumps

    TT = 7:58.78
    + 1/2 goat be gone

    12 min as Rx'ed:
    Minutes 1,2,3,4: 45 squats, 15 pull-ups, 50 squats, 10 push-ups

    Minutes 5,6,7,8: 50 squats, 10 pull-ups, 50 squats, 10 push-ups

    Minutes 9, 10, 11, 12: 45 squats, 15 pull-ups, 30 squats, 20 push-ups

    Totals: 270 squats, 40, pull-ups, 40 push-ups

    I am pulling for Saints' and Colts' victories today, but think it will be Cardinals and Colts. Enjoy the best football weekend of the year! Later fellas.

  7. To any of you who are looking at doing this later. I would recommend not doing more than 45 squats in any one round and thus relying on push-ups/pull-ups in the second/fourth minute. We do more than enough pull-ups/push-ups to complete 15 in a minute AND provide rest between sets of squats. Just some random advice.

  8. Hey guys, thanks for the concern. Yah, health problems suck, and there are few health problems that can kill you instantly, heart problems are one of them. Even though I know PVC's are *usually* not dangerous, they still freak me out to be honest. It's a crazy feeling when they come on, total irregular and hard beats and then you get your breath taken away and sometimes a little chest pain and dizziness, we're talking episodes of about 3 seconds, then it's gone, then it comes back, etc.

    I had a strategy today that didn't work so good. I was going to intentionally do fewer squats and more pushups or pullups. I think I went too heavy on the pullups and pushups, I'm not sure. Only got the 12 minutes. 222 squats, 84 pushups, 54 pullups. I wasn't feeling like myself so I decided to stop at 12 minutes. I was gonna rest for 5-10 minutes then do snatches, but I just don't feel normal today so I'm done.

    I LOVE NFL playoffs, divisional playoff weekend is the best!!

  9. Fletcher any time you become "symptomatic" with PVC's as with shortness of breath and/or dizziness it's a big deal. PVC's can be benign but only when you don't notice them and don't relate any symptoms to them. I'd watch out because if you can feel these PVC's and experience certain symptoms with them, that's a fairly significant event. Not to scare you but listen to your body and keep doing what you're doing. Just immediately stop what you're doing when this happens and keep your doctor informed of the fequency and duration of the bouts you have. I don't want to see anything happen to the Craig "Master of the Row" Fletcher.

    Hope things go well and keep me posted.

    Messed this one up a bit... only did alternating squats and pull-ups, no push-ups.

    Jacob 30 minutes
    1-2 S:45 PU:15
    3-4 S:45 PU:15
    5-6 S:45 PU:15
    7-8 S:45 PU:15
    9-10 S:45 PU:15
    11-12 S:45 PU:15
    13-14 S:45 PU:15
    15-16 S:45 PU:15
    17-18 S:45 PU:15
    19-20 S:45 PU:15
    21-22 S:45 PU:15
    23-24 S:45 PU:15
    25-26 S:45 PU:15
    27-28 S:45 PU:15
    29-30 S:45 PU:15
    *All sets unbroken!

    Then we got a call...

    15 cycles, 675 Squats and 225 Pull-ups

    Could've done more, I was finishing my pull-ups well within 20 seconds of the second minute of the cycle and got plenty of rest, and if I had alternated my push-ups with the pull-ups I could have had even more rest for my arms and more time to recover.

  10. Fletcher: Concur completely w/ Jacob on your PVCs. Once you start getting symptomatic, you need to get them checked out. Hope you are feeling better man.

    I kept wondering where you guys were getting the push ups from, but I guess my reading and comprehension skills suffer early in the morning sometimes. Nice freakinn' work Jacob, that is awesome!

  11. Thanks Smorey... just taking a break from my wicked AM triple WOD today. Some highs, some lows, but now it's time for TPFGB. We'll see... looking to go sub 10 minutes total for the WOD.

  12. I'm running a day behind here. Yesterday (Sat) was gorgeous here in CT, almost 50deg and sunny, so we too off to Southington first thing and skied til midafternoon. Granted, it's just a bump, but I got first tracks and then got to hit it w/ my seven-year-old, wife, and friends all day. Awesome. We made it back in time for the playoff games, and once that happened a WOD was out of the question.

    So I made up this POS today. I got past the 12min minimum but only just:

    36-18 (fail)

    I hate going a day behind, because I already know that I have to do FGB tomorrow. So much better when it's a surprise.

    Fletcher, feel better. Are you still coming east soon?


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