Saturday, January 2, 2010



  1. WODoers:

    I really need to get a pull up bar, but I am kinda holding out till I can get a cage, so I can kill four birds with one stone. So on the rings again for me today. I was so fucking sore I didn't think I could make it, but the first round kinda broke some things loose. Yeahh!!! rest day.

    4:19,3:46,4:00,3:57,3:41 tt= 19:43

    I have decided that Paradise City is the best song ever for fast squats or double unders.

  2. I think it was coach Rip who said basically that "anyone who says you can't work sore muscles has no clue what they are talking about and is not entitled to an opinion on the subject" (same thing he said about "full squats are bad for you). I didn't end up doing a WOD yesterday for reasons too "novelistic" as Justin puts it... but today I shattered my previous PR with Barbara despite having a mild cold and sleeping like crap. It was mental. I watched the clip from Mikko's documentary. I think Mikko is hereby my favorite "famous" CrossFitter. What an absolute freaking stud that guy is, and so humble about it too. Wow. "I will never lay on my back, it's a sign of weakness".... uhh... no, it makes it easier for your heart to distribute blood throughout your body dude.

    TT with 12 minute breaks in there 35:19, so work time was 23:19. Pat Barber is a bad ass, but I bet Jacob can beat him! 26:20 for Pat, total with rest.

    My goal was all rounds under 5 minutes and I did it. 3:57, 4:40, 4:58, 4:54, 4:50

    That goal really made me push hard to finish out each round.

    Last time I had a round over 9 and a round over 7 cos I got all pukey and messed up.

  3. Justin, you KICKED MY ASS! Good job man. I am yet again humbled by your bad assiness. I don't think I can do this any faster than I did, so kudos to you.

  4. What a crazy cycle this was. I'm glad it's over with. I ditched the push up bars today and did normal push ups. I abused myself enough with those damn things. I maintained a consistent pace the whole way through and broke everything into sets which helps. Thanks for the advice Jacob and Justin and everyone for that matter.

    4:19,4:23,4:18,4:24,4:09 = 21:35

    Happy freaking rest day!


  5. Oh and that is a PMFR by almost 3 minutes bitches!!! Fuck yeah!

  6. Going to do a Elgin variant of Barbara... He it is.


    Five rounds, each for time of:
    15 CTB Pull-ups
    20 Ring Dips
    25 Glute Ham Sit-ups
    30 Jump Lunges (Alternating legs 30 total)

    Rest precisely three minutes between each round.

    Will see how it goes.

  7. "Hannah"

    Five rounds, each for time of:
    15 CTB Pull-ups
    20 Ring Dips
    25 Glute Ham Sit-ups
    35 Jump Lunges

    Jacob 2:08, 2:00, 2:20, 2:46, 2:55

    I think it's worse the Barbara in the later rounds. I wasn't able to get a sub 2:00 minute round like I can in Barbara, and the later round I couldn't even get the RD and GHSU unbroken so I have to say this one's worse. Not to mention my overall time is much slower.

    Good WOD none the less.

    I posted a clip of my 2:00 minute round which was my fastest.

  8. Hey folks - Fletcher invited me onto the blog after we talked thru the mainsite. Chas here - 38yo/76"/210#, on CF for just over a year after a LONG time (i.e., since college) w/o regular workouts. I live in CT and work out in my basement.

    Thought I'd jump in w/ Barbara:

    4:30/4:40/4:15/4:02/4:07 PR by just over 1min, surprising given how sore my chest is after making up the BP WOD right before this last BW hell cycle.

    I try hard to stay on the mainsite WODs, so count on this beanpole to make you all look good.


  9. Chas, thanks for posting and welcome to the blog. Be ready to recieve a little bit of trash talk once in a while. Guys, Chas and I are the very same age, height, and I am 5 pounds heavier, but that's just from beer.

    Chas, great times man, for a beanpole. No really, you kicked some ass. Watch out for Jacob and Myles out here, they aren't human beings though. Jacob is made of hydraulics. I need to step it up on BW WOD's. For some reason, I am just slow when I have to rip out tons of situps. It seems like situps are the fastest and easiest move out of the 4 for everyone but me. I can't figure it out. Anyway, welcome, and let's get it on. We'll be looking for your posts now, so if you're thinking of skipping a WOD, remember... the "Guys from the blog" are out there getting it done. This message goes mostly to myself though. PS - Even if the Broncos would have made it to the playoffs, they wouldn't have done anything. I have to find a new team in the AFC to cheer for. I think the Chargers look the best, but I can't cheer for a division rival, and I can't cheer for the Patriots either. NFC = Vikings. I want to see old man Favre do something.

    Today was the first day that there was no sign of the ol' Roid since day one. Hallelujah!!

  10. Way to go on the PR Chas, always a good thing to improve.

    Quick little rest day WOD on my part.

    50 Burpee's for time:

    Jacob 1:54 (PR) (Last time 2:09?)

    Will post the video tomorrow on my training blog. Kept my paced the whole time and I think I could go faster.

  11. You guys kicked ass on this! This was killing me.
    3:20 - 6:24 - 9:33 - 10:00 - 9:27 = 38:44 + 12
    = TT: 50:44

    Tough one today.


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