Monday, January 11, 2010

Rest Day - Magic Bullet

Have you guys heard of the Magic Bullet blender? It is great for post WOD recovery drinks. I’ve had one for 18 months and it gets used like twice a day. They rule. No mess, quick, and small. I even bring it with me when I travel! You drink right out of the cup you blend it in. They really are cool, trust me.

My recovery drink goes like this: 6 oz of milk (ish), small handful of raw walnuts or almonds, 30 grams (ish) of EAS protien powder, and a bunch of fruit. Maybe I'll dork out and do a video of my Magic Bullet blending fun. Stoked about going to the Nuggets game tonight. two rows from the court!!


  1. Fletcher I have the Magic Bullet and I fuckin love it. I bought the Magic Bullet express. It comes with a few different sized cups. I use it every day . This morning a client and I worked on Wide stance squats, weighted pull ups with the kettle bell on our foot. Then row 1k and 50 burpees for time. My time was 6:20. I then drank a recovery shake in my magic bullet. Came home and ran a 5k, now considering another magic bullet recovery shake hmmmm. Shower and then off to the mountain for some shredding. Peace out, Myles

  2. I brought my Magic Bullet w/ me to Kuwait for nice blended drinks! Also use it to have fresh grond coffee! Love it, love it!

  3. The bullet is awesome. My recovery drink is the exact same thing. Recipe compliments of Craig.


    Uhh.... wow.

  5. Ass Pad. It turns out C2 makes an ass pad for the rower. I just got it in the mail today. I may have to try it out with a 2000m run after work. I will let you guys now how it works.

    It cost $3.50 and $8.00 to ship,so I was probably pretty damned dumb to just order one of them.

  6. The Lonely Triple...

    WOD 1

    "CTB Fran"
    21-15-9 reps for time of:
    Thruster, 95lbs
    Pull-up, CTB

    Jacob 3:42 Rx'd (1 PU short for 21's, 1 PU over for 9's)

    WOD 2

    15-10-5 reps for time of:
    Power Clean, 185lbs
    Ring Dip

    Jacob 5:03 Rx'd (PR)

    WOD 3

    300 Double Unders for time:

    Jacob 5:52 Rx'd

    I so need an ass pad too Justin let me know.


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