Friday, January 8, 2010

F R A N ! ! ! ! ! !

You know the drill. It's freakin Fran. I want something under 5 minutes tomorrow. I need to call my buddy's Sean or Ken and have them come over and scream at me so I get a PR. PR now is 5:05. I can beat that.

Check out this dinner Chelle made tonight. Wild caught grilled salmon with citrus salad on it, quinoa on the side, and a garden salad, and some good ol white wine. Aaaawwwwhhhh YAH!


  1. WODoers:

    4:56 on the rings. Got first 21 unbroken in both thruster and pull ups, then things got ugly. I lost my ability to link kips on the pull ups and just had to gut it out. This is the worst I have ever felt post WOD. Ten minutes lying on the ground and then another five sitting next to the toliet waiting for pukie to show, he hasn't made it yet...

  2. Just wanted to let everyone know the my garage box has had a new member over the past few weeks who crushing WOD's left and right. My brother in law Kenny's is now a Crossfit Zealot and tackles triple WOD days like they're nothing.

    Here's a WOD combo I set up for him and of coarse he did it without flinching.

    Warm Up:
    Power Clean 5-4-3-2-1-1-1

    95-115-120-125-130-135-145 (1,300lbs Cleanend)

    WOD 1
    Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

    Kenny 155-165-175-185(Failed)-170-180-180 (1,200lbs Cleaned)

    WOD 2
    20 Rounds of:
    3 Power cleans, (90%1RM) every minute, on the minute
    *5 Burpees as a penalty for each round you fail to complete

    Kenny 20 Rounds (10,500lbs Cleaned)

  3. Kenny used 175lbs for his cleans...

    Will tackle Fran tomorrow... Or will she tackle me?

  4. 4:45

    Here's my caveat: Since I've got no height in the basement for kips, I did this as max deadhang PUs then assist w/ one toe to complete the sets. So first set was 14 DHs, 7 assisted; 2nd set 9 (I think), six assisted, 3rd set 3-3-3 DH. Thrusters felt ok even though I'd just finished the PC WOD, but I still can't break through and get that second set unbroken. 21/10-5/9 on those.

  5. Nice work everyone. Chas! 20 lb PR? WOW!!

    Dudes, had a splitting migraine like headache most of the day (which NEVER happens, as in.. this is the only time I can remember in my life that this happened) and now I'm all nauseated so I don't know what the deal is. Hopefully I'll be back to normal tomorrow. If tomorrow is barbell lifting and I feel good I'll do that first then do Fran then puke.

  6. TT = 4:54 PR! I strategically rested on purpose here cos' I wrote out a little plan (thanks Jacob!) on my whiteboard on how to beat 5 minutes and stuck to it. Pacing early is very helpful for me. I can do better if I do all thrusters unbroken. It's the pullups that kill me. Last round was unbroken on both. Had to be, went into it @4:10 (eaxctly on schedule) but had to rest for a few after thrusters, 4:41 started last 9 pullups so had to crank them out unbroken which was really hard. Until then I was OK, but that just whipped me and got the whole Fran lay on your back lung butter gasping for air thing going. Probably do Push Perks later. Might do 5x5 back squats tomorrow cos' I got me some real lifting shoes finally!

  7. Way to go Fletcher and Chas, PR's for all. I still think it best to rest my legs a day or two more so I took a rest day yesterday and today I'm going to do something good. Just don't know what.

    Awesome work guys.

    And Chas doing dead hangs is a great way to really build up your kipping pull-ups. The more pull-ups you can do the better.

  8. Played some schoolyard football yesterday afternoon, so I didn't make it in yesterday. But, I hit this and the PJ's today.

    TT = 5:28 - 1:17 better than previous in Nov.

    Felt grreat.

  9. Mike, huge improvement. Wow! Jacob, thanks for that... that's what I love about the CrossFit community. Jacob and Myles' WOD times are elite, world class, crazy... but they still tell regular guys like me that we're kicking butt.

    The back squats I did this morning were the first since mid October because of my "little friend"... good to get back on the squats.

  10. Awesome PR's everyone!

    I missed this past cycle because I was out of town over the weekend. Rather than a rest day I decided to give Fran a go. I wasn't quite feeling it and I think I can do a little better on this one.

    TT: 5:17 (PR) only 3 seconds faster than the last time, but a PR is a PR. My freaking forearms were on fire afterwards. I walked around moaning like a little bitch afterwards.

    Glad to be back at it. The extra rest did my shoulder some good.

    Later guys


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