Thursday, January 7, 2010

Rest Day - Funny Stuff


  1. I pulled a line from "The 40 Year Old Virgin" on the hot front desk girl at the gym last night. It's been kind of cold lately in Houston (for Houston, no where near what it's like in MT, ID, WY, etc.). So, I asked the girl:

    MJ: Are you giving me a ride home tonight?
    HFDG: Oh ya, it's going to be cold.
    MJ: "Do you have a big trunk, because I'm going to stick my bike in it?"
    HFDG: It probably won't fit, but it'll probably fit in the back seat.
    MJ: Nah, that's ok, I was just kidding, I'll make it.

    I don't think she got it, but I thought it was funny. I'll see her again Friday, so we'll see how it goes.

  2. Mike, you and your "hot chic" stories kill me. All the way back to a year ago when you slapped a hot chic on the ass on the way out of the gym.

  3. Good shit Mike. Got to love the hot chicks. So after watching the Mikko video he made me feel all guilty. I am a firm believer in Rest days. My Rest day will be today, which so far was 5 am partner workout which consisted of 2 rounds of 30 med ball situps, 45 slammer balls, 40 box jumps, 45 lunges. Then I got home at about 7:30 and went on like a 3 mile easy paced jog. Now off to the mountain to snowboard for a few hours. Enjoy your version of a "Rest Day" guys.

  4. Myles, I've been thinking about Mikko too a lot. But I also realize who I am and what my goals were. If I was you or Jacob, single, and wanting to compete (and 27 years old), and a gym owner, I'd hit things hard and try to kick some butt.

    For me, I'm a 38 year old dad of two small kids with a desk job. I'm just trying to be generally fit so I'm just going to stick with the main site and really rest when they say, and maybe not even do 100% of the WODs, but most of them!

    Peace out gents

  5. WOD 1

    10 Rounds for time of:
    3 Pull-ups, 45lbs
    5 Pull-ups, Dead Hang
    7 Pull-ups, Kipping
    *Keep track of time and number of sets for WOD.

    Jacob 14:48 (10 Sets, all unbroken!) (PR)

    WOD 2

    Alternating ladder for time of:
    Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 115lbs
    Ring Dip

    Jacob 6:30 Rx'd (Went slow and steady on the pulls, all unbroken.)

    WOD 3

    Complete 1 round every 2 minutes for a total of 10 rounds of:
    10 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Press, 45lb Dumbbells
    10 V-Stance Bear Crawl Push-ups

    Jacob 19:59 Rx'd (Finished every round within the 2 minutes)

    I gain more from crossfit along the lines of a healthier perspective on fitness and living then I do from pushing myself to be faster, stronger, better or fitter then others. I have no delusions about my abilities and take pride in an honest day’s worth of work where I feel like I hit the WOD hard. Competition is a distant third in comparison to camaraderie and health. I also love the self improvement and continued pursuit of a better fitter me, that’s why I do crossfit… I guess.


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